NVIDIA Turing GPU Architecutre Whitepaper
NVIDIA Pascal GPU Architecutre Whitepaper
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics by Shirley, Peter
Computer Architecutre: A Quantitative Approach by Hennessy, John L.; Patterson, David A.
Ray Tracing Deformable Scenes using Dynamic Bounding Volume Hierarchies by Wald, Boulos, and Shirley
Ray Tracing Complex Scenes by Kay and Kajiya
Realtime Ray Tracing and Interactive Global Illumination by Ingo Wald
Efficiency Issues for Ray Tracing by Brian Smits
Packet-based Whitted and Distribution Ray Tracing
An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display by Turner Whitted
An Efficient Denoising Algorithm for Global Illumination
BVH image from Behance: Monte Carlo Path Tracer
Ray Tracing image from Wikipedia: Ray tracing (graphics)
Types of rays image from Interactive Computer Graphics - Lecture 11: Ray Tracing
NVIDIA RTX and GameWorks Ray Tracing Technology Demonstration